I notice that a lot of women complain men only want the physical — not real relationship.

Guess what?

Women have something similar.

We have our companionship glasses on.

And this is what I mean if you walk around and everywhere you go, you’re like,

Maybe that could be my husband!

Maybe that could be my person

Maybe that could be my next boyfriend.

I really just want someone who will take out the trash for me.

I really just want someone I can watch a movie with on the couch.

Well, all of those things you can get from a friend.

And so what I find is a lot of times when women are in this zone of “I just want a companion,”

In a weird way, it’s the polar opposite (and yet the same limited thinking) of men who just want physical intimacy.

If you ever find yourself just looking for companionship, see if you can get a little more in touch with your sexuality, a little more in touch with your feminine energy, and a little more in touch with your own inner radiance (with boundaries of course)…

We jump ahead to companionship and miss out on all the other stuff he can provide…

Just like he jumps ahead to intimacy and misses out on all the other stuff we offer.

In both cases, it’s two people who aren’t really connecting…a relationship just in their minds.

A woman might be like; well, we went on three dates,

I think it’s going really well.

I think he’s gonna be my boyfriend.

And a man could be thinking; this is great, but I don’t even know her,

I’m barely getting to know her.

And so, we will cross our relational threshold of the timeline, because our hearts just get ahead of us.

As women, our hearts get ahead of us, and as men their, you know, *whatever* 🙂 gets ahead of them…

While we want to blame men for this disconnect, it happens for us too…

Xoxo, Violet

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